Of drunk texts and tweets

March 13, 2014

It was only supposed to be just a despedida dinner in Quezon City, but due to schedule conflicts, venue was changed to Taguig at the last minute. And when you're suddenly eating in Bugsys Burgos Circle, how can you not drink too? Then when we were about to go home, after complaints of not having sufficient alcohol in the system, it was decided that we can still go to Distillery until closing time.

The following are effects of downing a bottle of tequila in under 45 minutes, purely because we got bullied by the bartender into finishing the bottle.

Drunk Texts

If there's something to be said about drunk messaging, it's that it's never something you don't mean, or at least in that context. It's like having a free pass for texting people you really wanna text, but you wouldn't if you're not drunk. Except that the person you're texting completely knows this as well so eventually, it's just another case of embarrassing yourself to that sober person.


Drunk Tweets

I wasn't really drunk drunk. I can say this because I've been hammered far more than that night, a few times and always when I'm with my men dominated team (*cough* offsites/team buildings *cough*). You'd also know this because I didn't slur tweet. I was also sane enough to know that I left my coffee, same coffee that burnt my tongue. When I reached the house around 5AM, I saw the world spinning when I laid down, and yet I still had it in me to tweet it. Will power at work, you guys.

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