Last Saturday, I decided to finally break the streak of five weekends spent on traveling and socializing. Like a hermit who went to his cave, I suddenly stopped talking to my friends and I locked myself inside the house. I attempted to deactivate my Facebook for a while, but then had to reactivate after a day because Spotify won't let me use my Premium account without my linked Facebook account. I couldn't bear life without my guilty pleasure, my Tito Playlist, okay?
I slept in until I had to unwillingly get up to eat a very late lunch. Then, I binged-watched all the reality TV shows I missed--four episodes of Survivor, four episodes of The Amazing Race, some episodes of America's Next Top Model, and since those were not enough to satiate my TV addiction, I also caught up on three episodes of How To Get Away With Murder. And idk I guess Sunday wasn't exciting enough so I reinstalled Tinder.
Ang haba ng intro but here we are now! Bear with me.
I slept in until I had to unwillingly get up to eat a very late lunch. Then, I binged-watched all the reality TV shows I missed--four episodes of Survivor, four episodes of The Amazing Race, some episodes of America's Next Top Model, and since those were not enough to satiate my TV addiction, I also caught up on three episodes of How To Get Away With Murder. And idk I guess Sunday wasn't exciting enough so I reinstalled Tinder.
Ang haba ng intro but here we are now! Bear with me.