S&R Sale

April 02, 2012

2Lbs. Original Price: Php800. Sale Price: Php500
March 28, 2012.
On our lunch break, me and my teammates decided to spend hard-earned money on the S&R sale. We went to the nearest branch, which is the one in BGC and right off the bat, had problems in inching our way to the parking lot. So we decided to fall in line first, while the designated driver parks the car.

Such a letdown, that day. Imagine our frustration when we saw the line before the door, only to be pushed down further when we saw that line going through the whole parking lot, up to the parking exit.

But do you know what was more irritating? That is to know the next day that THE line was for the pushcarts. If you were to go, cart-less, then there wasn't a need to fall in line. It's not as if we'll do bonggang shopping. We just went to buy stuff we want, at a fraction of the regular price, like chocolates, SPAM, etc.

Come Thursday, my teammates returned. I didn't. I was working from home. My teammates, knowing how much I liked pistachios, asked me if I wanted them to buy me a bag. I said yes. Needless to say, it was a good bargain. And surely, I will be registering for my own membership card and shall gear up for the next S&R Sale around September (?)

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