Digital Traincase is on Sale!
February 13, 2013Long time no post. I haven't even my quota for January, much more for February. I hope to blog again even with all the stressful work hubaloo. Having no creative outlet while at work takes a number on my skin, I can feel it. So to kick this off, here's what greeted my good morning when I woke up. (night shifter)
Urban Decay's Naked 1 Palette is on discount, you guys! It originally costs Php 3200 in Digital Traincase. After applying the promo code, the total becomes Php 2369 (shipping inclusive). What a steal! A friend told me it costs roughly around Php 2800 in Singapore. I'm really tempted to buy now but I'm saving up for my birthday month so I must not, in good conscience, try to steal from my savings.
Go check it out now. There are more products on 20% discount so check out their timeline for more information.