Jen Never Travels: Vietnam

April 04, 2016

Vietnam from Jennever Pelaez on Vimeo.

It's already April, and I only have 9 posts, including this one?? And two of them are videos, so do they really count?

For some reason, I am having a hard time writing about this trip for Skyscanner. I love looking through the photos and videos but it makes me so selfish to just reel in that moment, that I don't want to share with everyone else how wonderful this trip was, and how it contributed to my being. (It was a relatively short trip compared to everyone I have met during this period but I still got a lot out of it.)

I would love to blab some more but I cannot seem to write coherent words right now.

Anyway, a more fun video is coming out soon because I have a LOT of clips dancing all over Vietnam that I didn't include here. So just watch the video for now, and I hope you like it!

I need to come back and edit this post sober. I hope I don't get lazy.

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